What is Time Zone Fixer Automatic Update program?

Because of the nature of world Time Zones that change over time, it is always needed your flight simulator Time Zones be updated once in a while. You had to copy new version of SimElite Solutions Time Zone Fixer files manually by now despite it was not a hard task to do but it took time from you to go to SimElite Solutions website, Login to your account, download new version, extract them and finally copy new files to the correct address and update your Time Zone Fixer. We decided to help you save time and with this new and easy to use Time Zone Fixer Automatic Update program, you will be able to update your Time Zones in a much easier way than before.

Where can I get that?

To download "Time Zone Fixer Automatic Update" programs follow these steps:

  1. On our website (simelite.com):
  2. Click on "log in" link at the top right section of screen.
  3. Enter your Login information.
  4. After login, click on "User Account" under your name at the top right section of screen
  5. Go to "Products and Services" section.
  6. There is a table there and you can find "Time Zone Fixer Automatic Update" in that table.
  7. Click on "download" link to download your zip package.

How to install it?

“Time Zone Fixer Automatic Update program” package is not an installable version. It is ready to use and it means when you download zip file and extract it, you are able to run “Time Zone Fixer.exe” file directly without need to install it on your computer.

Please note that for better result, after extract, move “Time Zone Fixer Automatic Update” folder to the address you usually keep your programs (such as C:\ or C:\Programs\ or whatever you’d like) and then create a shortcut of “Time Zone Fixer.exe” file and put it on your desktop for easier access.

Important: Please do NOT change its filenames or do NOT remove any file form its folder otherwise it won’t work correctly.

How to use it?

To use “Time Zone Fixer Automatic Update” program please follow these steps:

  1. Run “Time Zone Fixer.exe” file (or its shortcut you already created on your desktop)
  2. Program window is like this:
  3. Click on Enter button and it shows you a new window. Enter your Full Name, Email address and Serial number based on your SimElite Solutions Time Zone Fixer license information. It will be like this:
  4. Click on the “Submit” button and your license information will be verified and if your information is correct then you can return to the first window and it will be like this:
  5. This time click on Select button. A dialog browser will be shown. Browse to your “SimElite Solutions Time Zone Fixer” installation folder (where it is already installed).
  6. Click on “OK” button. Browse dialog window will be closed and you will return to the first window. If your selected folder is a valid “SimElite Solutions Time Zone Fixer” installation folder then you can see this:
  7. If you would like to change your “SimElite Solutions Time Zone Fixer” address (for example if you have more than one flight simulator on your system), you can use “Change” link. Browse dialog will be shown once again and you can browse to your new address.
  8. Please note that these settings (License and Address) are saved for your ease of access and if you close the program and open it again you don’t need to enter that information again. For any reason if you’d like to reset those settings then you can use “Reset Setting” link.
  9. At this point when you finished your setting there are two possibilities:
  10. 9.1. If you are using an older version of Time Zone Fixer on your system then you can see this:

    You can see your current "Time Zone Fixer" installed version and what is the latest version available. After 10 seconds program will be start automatic update process and it will download the latest version and replace your old version files with the new one:

    9.2. If you are using latest version of Time Zone Fixer on your system OR automatic update process is done on your system then you can see this:

    This window is telling you that you have the most recent version and no update is needed.

Important tips:

  1. We used to release only official versions of “SimElite Solutions Time Zone Fixer” in the past because informing all of users and the time they had to spend to update their product was a matter for us. There were a lot of beta versions in the past but we never released them in between official versions because of the reason I explained above but from now on, this new “Time Zone Fixer Automatic Update” program, in addition to our official versions, will bring our beta versions either to your system and in this way you will always have the most recent changes and updates made by us.
  2. We recommend you to run this “Time Zone Fixer Automatic Update” on a weekly basis to get the latest updates if there is any of them.
  3. Just like before our new version release policy will be the same, if there is a new official version available to download, we will inform you by email and other social media networks and we won’t inform you if there is a beta version available.